Ivana loved last year’s Games so much that one weekend wasn’t enough for her. This year she applied to be a part of Games with her idea for extra activities. This is her experience of finding a way to STEM Games and how she succeeded.
Being a part of STEM Games was a short and fun adventure. Last year, folks were talking a lot about the Games, saying that everybody was going to Poreč, that there were going to be great parties, new acquaintances and a bit of studying and sports. Not being a student of a STEM institution, I sadly could not take part in the activities I wanted to. Because of that, when we found out that most of our friends were going to Poreč, my friend and I decided to join in any way possible and be a part of the group. Hence, we applied and hoped we would be lucky enough to get chosen so that we can come and be a part of the Games weekend. Two weeks later we were called by the agency that was arranging the accommodation and informed of the delightful news - we could come to Poreč if we still wanted to. Surely, we arranged everything in two days, accepted the offer and started packing our bags looking forward to our crazy weekend. We needed to think of some means of transportation by ourselves because it sadly wasn't a part of the arrangement, but we managed to find some buses and couldn't be happier on our way to Poreč. During the games we attended all the sports activities and followed the successes of our teams, spending the most time near basketball games and on the beaches near the volleyball courts. In the evening hours we gathered in our rooms and on the beaches, hung out and, of course, drank. The way home was a bit easier since the participants from TVZ let us ride their buses, since, luckily, they had some extra room.
Half a year later, our friends plan on being a part of the Games once again, having fun during those six days and, of course, collecting as many prizes as possible. So, my friend and I are once again looking for a way to be a part of the group.
Up until now I applied twice to organize the sporting events and am currently hoping that my extra activity application gets accepted so that I could take part in the Games this year as well.
To all students who are not studying at STEM institutions, I recommend that they try sending their applications to organize extra activities, and perhaps become a part of the team. Because, words can't describe what's there, what happens there and how it all looks like. What happens on the Games, stays on the Games.