Every year we try to grow and accomplish something new, not just in terms of competition, but as a community. From the first year, we emphasize teamwork, interdisciplinarity and connecting students - both between each other, both with representatives of our partner institutions through mentoring, lectures and informal meetings. After successfully hosting Games 2019, we learned that the Games do not only connect students but also our partners.
This is best known by the partnership between our two theme sponsors, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics and Oikon - Institute of Applied Ecology, who found mutual goals and areas of interest through collaboration in Mathematics and Science Arena. On this occasion, we wish them a successful partnership and want to thank them for showing us another aspect in which this event can contribute to the international STEM community in the industry. Encouraged by their example, we would like to make it as easy as possible for our partners to make the most of this event by making contacts between companies as well as future staff and academia.
That is why the Games 2020 bring novelties that will enhance opportunities for all participants - organizers, competitors, mentors, juries and deans - to connect with each other and thereby potentially discover new opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. You will find out more about that at the Games!
Markus Rauhut, Fraunhofer ITWM
“Last year's STEM Games were interesting for me because I was able to meet highly motivated students. But also because exciting new projects arose through the contacts between companies, universities and us as Fraunhofer. Already this year we had several workshops with the new partners we met at the STEM Games. I am looking forward to the STEM Games 2020.”