We are equal! But we are not. We don’t need the fight for equality because everything is already good! But it isn’t. No one asks you if you are male or female! But they do. The glass ceiling is fiction! But it is very much real. She is full of herself, emotional, stubborn, frigid, wild, quiet? NO! She is determined, empathic, persistent, rational, energetic and patient!
STEM Games stand for more than a competition, experience, networking and getting acquainted with cutting edge problems in the industry. STEM Games are international student social event of the year, which for a third year in a row shapes the minds of 2000 young people. Young people who will tomorrow make their own rules. Rules are made based on experience and experience must show that equality is not a word but an attitude!
Whether as a part of an organization or as a competitor, Games don’t ask if you are male or female, where do you come from or who do you know. Games ask only one thing - what can you do?

What can we do? Barbara and Tima are the two cheeks of the STEM Games head of the organization - leaders of the organizational board. They organize, motivate and supervise the work of about a hundred student volunteers (located in different countries), while taking care of administrative tasks, sponsor communication and publicly representing Games at the same time. They are not women at the top, they are leaders. Together, Petra and Ante enhanced concepts of the problem-solving competition and are making sure that every tiny detail of the competition runs smoothly and students have a chance of getting acquainted with the industry. Also, they have formed amazing international mentoring teams. Teams consisting of 22 experts which have carefully been preparing the tasks for the past three months! On STEM Games 2019, Kristina and Nicky built the foundations for the new eSport Arena and this year they have shaped it into a complete esport competition which will have 40 teams competing in four different games at the same time. Fran holds the complete operations and IT under control - handling materials, making sure all the services like web and communication channels are up and running and supervising the design of STEM Games app. Ardita, with Barbara, is in charge of the marketing and, together with the design and media team, ensures the information is relevant and content interesting! Mario leads the partnership team, keeping all the sponsors in the loop and being their go-to person for any questions they may have. And last but not least, Frano and Vlatko organize sports competition which consists of 10 different disciplines offering equal possibility of participation for both men and women. May it be ensuring the sport equipment, preparation of the courts, finding referees or putting together a game schedule, they are on top of it!

What can we do? We can do everything! From organization, competition and participation to mentoring, motivating and leading. We are tearing down stigmas, taking things into our own hands and acting creative and proactive, while having only sky as a limit! (And even that is debatable.)
Are we equal? We are on STEM Games! Is there a difference in ratio of female and male participants? Yes, there is and exactly because of that, you who are reading this, pick your Arena and help us obliterate all the stereotypes! Be loud, funny, serious, dressed up, dressed down, be whatever you want - be bold and participate in STEM Games 2020 because it may be you who will develop DNA based memory, sweep the sports competition or lead your esport team to eternal glory! We are waiting for you!