We've worked for months and months on this STEM Games project. We've sacrificed our time and skills to hold this gathering. And here we are, in the most romantic Mediterranean city! We're ready to hold five exciting problem-solving, sport, and eSports competitions while enjoying the sea smell, good food, and great fun.

How did Tuesday go? The crowd in Rovinj is even more excited. The road to the Villas Rubin Resort was filled with buses from which we could only hear the biggest hits and competitors' voices.
Everybody has waited very long for this. Suitcases grinding on the ground, the music, and students' voices have all echoed through the Resort. After all of them have arrived and found their apartment, had a little beach break, and taken a group photo, everybody had a dinner where, believe it or not, everything was eaten.

We've already posted the applications for the additional program, had an eSport draw, and enjoyed the sunny Rovinj. Some of the competitors have taken a swim in the sea or the pool next to it.

With the formal Games' opening, everything has officially started! Everybody could meet other competitors and organizers on the first night at the Games, just like they could attend the most fun karaoke night the Games have ever seen!