The fifth annual STEM Games were held in May 2022 in Rovinj, a lovely town most notable for its romantic ambience. The competitors were housed in cozy seaside apartments where they spent five exciting days solving problems in each of the four STEM fields, going toe to toe against opponents from other colleges in a handful of sports or competing against them in e-sports.
The general theme of the Games, World of Opportunities, was conceived in collaboration with Croatia Osiguranje. Its intention was to get contestants acquainted with the role of STEM fields in tackling current issues and securing a better future. Through the topic it was highlighted how the possibilities in today’s digital world are endless, and how with enough imagination, determination and innovativeness, only the sky is the limit. The competitors were therefore presented with problems that tested their creativity, ingenuity, critical thinking abilities and teamwork.
Participants could also compete in any of the nine available sports. Apart from chess, every sport had separate competitions for male and female teams, including volleyball and beach volleyball, basketball, handball, futsal, cross-country, indoor-rowing and table tennis. Sport matches were held from morning until evening and constituted one of the most intense parts of the STEM Games.
The e-sports arena gave contestants the chance to compete in four different games, including Counter-Strike, League of Legends, FIFA and Rocket League, all four of which were held in mixed competition. Naturally, anyone who was interested in the matches could attend as a spectator, which meant that the arena was regularly filled to the brim.
After a long day of competition, participants could turn to any of the activities offered through the rich entertainment program, which included a treasure hunt, a tug of war, a STEM quiz, various card games such as bela, trešeta and briškula, as well as the return of the fan-favorite beer pong. The entire experience was rounded off by Grše and Z++, who performed on the last two days of the Games, leaving their mark on parties that lasted well into the night.