B.U.R.E.K. and hoarse voices closed Games


Saturday came before we had the chance to come round after Tuesday. The last day at the Games began with the visit from Minister of Science and Education, Blaženka Divjak, Ph. D. and organizing faculties’ board members. We took a tour around sports grounds and Games Arenas where our guests had the opportunity to talk with the organizers and competitors and hear their experience firsthand.

Just as we said goodbye to our guests, sports finals and presentations of final assigments in the Arenas have begun. It is difficult to say who was louder - sports fans or amphitheater audience cheering for the competitors from the Arenas who had their 5 minutes of glory. Team ETF Sarajevo 2 won the hearts of Mathematics Arena with the name of its rocket (B.U.R.E.K. “Bosnian Universal Rocket of Extraterrestrial Courtesy) and then presented spacecraft modelling and some wicked maneuvering. Team members Edge of Tomorrow pointed out that they would like a colleague working who studies aviation to work with them, but in that case the risk that their truck would fly would be too high.

The winners of the first Games were celebrated at the award ceremony at which the biggest show could definitely be attributed TVZ athletes. Girls obviously loved it cause even after the Games have ended they are still looking for a way to get their shirts. Well, maybe not theirs, we’re sure they would prefer those who smell of the fabric softener instead of sweat.

Krankšvester, closed the Games with the bang and even to those who kept their voices the longest went home hoarse.

The first Games are behind us. We are catching up with sleep and preparing for the entire series of after parties this weekend. Games 2019? We’re working on it!

STEM Games Arenas Finalists

  1. Nadmašitelji (PMF Zagreb: Arijeta Bafti, Hrvoje Dumić, Viktor Škorjanc i Marin Volarić)
  2. M(O)PS (UNIRI: Bobana Samardžija, Sanja Mikašinović i Roberta Padavić)
  3. Avita (UNIRI: Klara Sabati, Marina Mišeta, Lara Duvnjak i Marko Rubinić)
  1. Teška Odluka (FER: Luka Strižić, Ana Bertić, Petra Rebernjak i Daniel Bratulić)
  2.  大成功 (Big Success) (MathOS: Patrick Nikić, Matej Kroflin i Mislav Blažević)
  3. Hmm (PMF Zagreb: Ivan Lakovic, Petar Điko, Katarina Vulić i Borna Vukorepa)
  1. Galeb Duje (FER: Luka Mandić, Luka Košćak, Anton Kontić, Tomislav Pavičić i Petar Tomić)
  2. AloHam (FER: Dino Šarić; FSB: Ante Bokšić i Filip Mirković; PMF Zagreb: Marin Vilovic i Marko Cvitković)
  3. Edge of Tomorrow (FER: Marijana Peti, Ivan Ratković i Ivan Vrhoci; FSB: Marin Ivanković i Marijan Marković)
  1. ETF Sarajevo 2 (Suad Krilašević, Dženan Devedžić, i Jusuf Delalić)
  2. Mathemars (FER: Pero Skoko, Bruno Sačarić, Sandi Dušić i Ante Renić)
  3. ETF Sarajevo 1 (Dinno Koluh, Belmin Puščul i Ammar Hajdarević)

Sports Finalists




  1. FER
  2. FESB
  3. RITEH


  1. FER
  2. FSB
  3. PMF Zagreb


  1. FERIT
  2. TVZ
  3. FER


  1. FER
  2. ETF Sarajevo
  3. TVZ

Beach Volleyball:

  1. FER
  2. TVZ
  3. FSB

Cross Race:

  1. FSB
  2. FER
  3. FERIT


  1. FER
  2. MathOS
  3. FERIT

Table Tennis:

  1. FSB
  2. TVZ
  3. FER

Rowing - Ergometer:

  1. FER1
  2. FSB
  3. FER2



  1. FER
  2. TVZ
  3. FERIT


  1. PMF Zagreb
  2. FESB
  3. FER


  1. UNIRI
  2. FERIT
  3. PMF Zagreb

Beach Volleyball:

  1. UNIRI
  2. FER
  3. TVZ

Cross Race:

  1. FESB
  2. FER
  3. FERIT

Table Tennis:

  1. FER
  2. FERIT
  3. TVZ

Rowing - Ergometer:

  1. PMF Zagreb 1
  2. FER1
  3. FSB