Technology Arena

Various tasks are going to be at different levels of complexity which allows participants a chance to contribute to the team’s success whether they’re facing this type of competition for the first time or if they’re more experienced than that. Teams will win points depending on the success of their solution at individual tasks. The first two days of the competition are focused on solving the algorithm tasks, while the third day is booked for the Main Task. The Main Task’s theme is inspired by the real problems that the Arena’s sponsors are facing every day.
In the Technology Arena, regular computing sciences, mathematics, informatics, and digital sciences students can participate in this type of competition, as well as the other regular students from similar fields.

The progress of digital and informatics technologies has never stopped growing in the last couple of years. We are coming up with new discoveries and knowledge every day that could ease our life with digitalization. This knowledge can also benefit us as a tool for efficient management of everything around us: nature and the environment. This year at the Technology Arena, we’re searching for ways to reduce the impact on natural resources by applying various algorithms and efficient models of machine learning.
Download assignment 2022
Download results 2019
Download assignment 2019
Download assignment 2018
Final results
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*Teams can choose which programming language they will use; however, they have to take the execution speed into consideration.
Jury members

Dragan Benčić
Dragan Benčić is an Engineer for Software Development and the Head of development with 20 year-long experience. For the last 10 years in Infobib as a Senior Development Engineer and Products Architect, he lead many teams and projects and has actively participated in growing the Infobip global organization. He also specialized in recognizing talents, and also program design and construction. This kind of program helps young developers to start their careers the right way.

Marko Sajko
Marko Sajko was born in 1981 in Varaždin, where he graduated from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics. He worked in various positions in software development, from operations and development, to managing developments teams. Currently, he is leading digital development in Croatia osiguranje. He enjoys climbing and hiking in his spare time (which he doesn’t have).

Vedran Miletić
Vedran Miletić is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies at University of Rijeka. He is also a Principal Investigator at the Group for Applications and Services on Exascale Research Infrastructure. As a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies in German Heidelberg, he was doing researches as a part of the Molecular Biomechanics Group. Vedran likes doing computational biochemistry and molecular modelling the most. Besides that, he he is also interested in parallel and distributed computing, as well as in infrastructure automation.

Antonela Biloš
Antonela Biloš is a senior software developer with a perennial experience in working primarily as a front-end developer. She has been working on her career in Infobip for almost 5 years now, where she had a chance to work as a part of many different teams and participate in various international projects in several industries. Although she enjoys using React and Typescript the most, she likes to learn and implement new technologies. She has a strategic approach to problems. She is particularly motivated by opportunities that can help us solve problems in a ground-breaking and creative way.

Arian Skoki
Arian Skoki has finished his degree in Computing at the Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka. He tried living and working abroad, primarily in the web technologies field. Yet, life in Croatia ended up to be of higher quality, so Arian decided to return to Rijeka and work as an assistant. He is currently working on data analysis and artificial intelligence in sports, mainly football. He is the Head of the Riteh Web Team, which is a students’ club that prepares students for the transition university-job and makes it easier for them. Arian kickboxes and dances in his spare time. He also likes to play ukulele and clarinet to elevate the atmosphere.

Boris Štih
Boris Štih has finished his degree in Automatisation at the Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka. While he was at college, he participated in a few startup projects that helped him turn programming as a hobby into his new profession. He has been working in the industry as a software engineer for the last six years. He is mostly specialized in the Java ecosystem. Many different aspects of the application development are also a part of his interest, from the base design to the automated CI/CD processes. Boris likes to spend his spare time doing hobbies non-related to the computer.

Davorin-Goran Keserica
He has been working for AVL since 2011. He started his cooperation with AVL on his final year at The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, as an outside associate and employee at the faculty. After a year, he decided to enter AVL as a permanent employee. As a Project Lead Assistant, he participates in software design decisions, while he increases work efficiency and satisfaction in the team as a Scrum Master and works as a Developer on the SDT EXCITE software. He participates in the planning and design of software architecture, in the development of a kinematic solver, in the building of data models, in 2D and 3D visualization, and the development of a graphics interface. He considers STEM games as an excellent opportunity for meeting and working with new and interesting people in the same profession, to have fun and to gain new experiences. As a mentor, he wants to help students in the solving of different assignments through his experience gathered while working in his profession.

Ivan Žufić
Ivan Žufić has finished his undergraduate study in Mathematics at the Faculty of Science in Zagreb, where he is currently earning his Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computing also. He has experience over many years at many programming competitions where he earned various significant accomplishments. Ivan spends his free time playing bridge and piano but also likes to hike.

Mateja Napravnik
Mateja Napravnik has finished her undergraduate and graduate study in Computing at the Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka. She has worked in the industry for two years as a web developer but then decided to continue her education as a Ph.D. and an assistant at the Faculty of Engineering. Her main field of interest is the analysis of medical (radiological) images. She has also been occupied with the interaction between humans and computers (HCI). Mateja Napravnik is a co-host of the Riteh Web Team, which is a students’ club that offers students to study web technologies through various workshops and projects.

Matej Pavelić
Matej Pavelić was born in 1998 in Sisak. He started working as a frontend developer five years ago and he worked on big digital transformations in several industries such as telecommunications and insurances. Currently he works in Croatia Osiguranje as a senior software engineer as a member of Laqo Digital team.

Milan Petrović
Milan Petrović has finished his graduate study at the Informatics Department of the University of Rijeka and now he is earning his Ph.D. degree. Machine learning using graphs is his main field of interest. He is currently occupied with researching social interactions, as well as the group behavior of fruit flies in the Laboratory for Behaviour Genetics at the Biotechnology Department. Milan Petrović is also interested in complex networks and their dynamics. He participated in the 2018 and 2019 STEM Games. His favorite snack is vanilla and pistachio ice cream.