Participate - Institutions
Students competing at STEM Games come from various educational institutions, including universities, faculties and other higher education institutions. Students can participate in the event as competitors in problem-solving and sports, by organizing extra activities, as supporters or as members of the organizing committee.
Since students need to reconcile their schoolwork with their participation in the event, they need the support of their institutions that will make it easier. Their transportation is taken care of by a student association led by an institution’s student representative. Additionally, starting from the beginning of the academic year, student representatives, along with the organizing committee, discuss and decide about topics that influence the event and the overall satisfaction of participants.
For all the reasons above, it’s important that the institution willing to participate appoint two people – a student representative and their deputy. As members of the Supervisory Board, they get all the relevant information in time, decide about key issues in that year’s event organization and represent the boards of their institutions, as well as the opinions and preferences of their students.
A student representative can be either a student or an employee of the institution. Usually, they are younger people that are already involved in some student associations (like student’s unions) which arrange participation of students in competitions.
Duties of a student representative include:
- Mandatory presence during the STEM Games Supervisory Board meetings that take place bimonthly or more often if necessary. They usually attend the meetings through a video call, but face to face participation is an option as well.
- Active involvement in the discussions and decisions about the topics related to organization of the event in a shared Slack workspace.
- Providing all the relevant information to the institution boards and student associations that take care of transportation in time
- Respect of the deadlines that the Supervisory committee agreed upon.
Members of the Supervisory committee that fail to fulfill those duties and responsibilities will be penalized appropriately.
If you have any questions regarding the participation of institutions, contact us by email at [email protected].