You're a freshman and you are constantly hearing from older students stories about the Games that sound too good to be true, but you’re still not sure what it is and why should you apply? Or maybe you already are an experienced veteran of the Games and know how things work, but want to remind yourself about all the things that Games can offer you this year too? Whatever the reason is, we will make sure to refresh your memory with this blog.
STEM Games are the largest student competition in Croatia, gathering more than 1500 students all around Croatia and wider in one place. In 5 days, students compete in problem-solving, sports, and from this year, in esports. Problem-solving competition is divided into four categories: science, technology, engineering and mathematics. What makes this competition unique are the interdisciplinary, team-based tasks, so the emphasis is on connecting students from various STEM faculties with the aim of solving the tasks as original and as accurate as possible. Besides that, students compete in sports and esports where it is important to show exceptional tactics, speed, focus and team cooperation in order to achieve the best possible result and to bring eternal glory to their faculty.
Participants of the Games can express themselves in various arenas of problem-solving and sports, but this is not everything that makes the Games so special. STEM Games offer a full range of additional activities where you can have fun, learn something new or just relax with your friends. Some of the entertainment programs so far were concerts of famous singers, drone racing, karaoke, treasure hunts, quizzes, dance and sports workshops, etc.

We know that with this much STEM Games potential, you are already preparing to apply, but you can get even more at the Games. Maybe you’ll meet your future best friend while waiting for a drink at the bar. Or you’ll meet your soulmate who shares a passion for physics as much as you do. It is also possible that while brainstorming with team members about a task that's bothering you, you come up with a brilliant business idea that will make a fortune in the future. Many professors and mentors that will be there can motivate you to get started on new scientific topics, and speakers from the industry can inspire you to apply for a summer job.
All of these stories already happened to someone at the Games and can happen to you also. It's up to you to sign up and experience the best five days of your life firsthand, so don't miss the opportunity to be the one to retell the unforgettable memories of STEM Games 2020 to freshmen!