STEM Games encourage love of innovation and cooperation, but we all know that love takes two. Read on to find out about our significant other.
My way to the Games
Want to experience Games but competitions are not your cup of tea? Read about how Ivana found her way to STEM Games 2018. for alternative solutions.
Folks behind the new Games!
Anxiously waiting for round two? You can finally stop worrying because the preparations for the next Games, led by our trusty organizing team have started full speed ahead! Find out who’s behind this year’s Games!
Be a part of the organisation team!
In the last post we have announced an open call for members in the STEM Games organisation team! We would like to invite all the ambitious students or faculty members who want to join our big family and help us raise STEM Games to a new level!
Ready to level up?
What can we expect from STEM Games in 2019? We can’t reveal much for now, but we can say it will be bigger and better, open to all students who wish to compete, hang out, and meet; for those who want more – we are going to open call for volunteers soon, so feel free to join us and be a part of the team that will create STEM Games 2019!