Celebrating the power of education


Investing in education means investing in human potential, as is stated by the UN General Assembly and UNESCO. Providing and supporting quality education should be a priority while working towards development and creating new opportunities. Education is the key that unlocks the vast potential within each individual. It is a tool for empowerment, providing people with the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to navigate challenges and contribute to the development of society.


Since 2018, the STEM Games have strived to supplement formal education in novel and interesting ways through their problem-solving competition. However, integrating novelty into the learning process is only made possible with the help of our team of arena mentors, who provide invaluable insight and guidance to participants, providing constructive feedback on their ideas, strategies, and presentations.


This hands-on approach of the competition has provided students with valuable networking opportunities, connecting them to industry leaders eager to share their knowledge and expertise. Year after year, this has cultivated an atmosphere of creativity and has led to innovation through teamwork. This is why, in celebration of the 2024 International Day of Education, we would like to shine a spotlight on not only on the transformative power of education, but also on the dynamic synergy between education, innovation, and collaboration.