Another Games have ended. The concept change was not easy but combining sleepless nights and a huge amount of effort from organizers, mentors and partners, international competition of STEM students was successfully held while bringing together more than 100 contestants! We would like to use this chance to directly thank everyone who contributed in making the first virtual STEM Games possible in their premiere Safe Mode edition, even in this hectic 2021!

THANK YOU to all the sponsors of STEM Games Safe Mode edition. Croatia osiguranje continued to support the Games another year through the role of the general sponsor with whom we also developed the general theme Dare to Adapt. Credits for designing the tasks that were being solved during the Games this year go to our mentoring sponsors: OIKON - Institute for applied ecology, Infinum, Infobip, Vertiv and Privredna banka Zagreb, together with our Problem-Solving Team. This years’ event partners (Ru-Ve, Kefo, BonsAI, HsTec and HŽ) and material sponsors (GLS, and Carlsberg) have made the Games complete and made sure that the goodie bags were filled with even more prizes, while Stablo znanja gave us the space for award ceremony. We thank all of our sponsors and partners for supporting us and showing interest in STEM Games and we are looking forward to continuing our partnership on the Games next year!

THANK YOU to all of our contestants who have decided to test their knowledge this year because YOU are the reason we are organizing all this. This thank you goes to all of our teams: CarpeDiem, MATHOS, ChupapiMuñaños, 150-300, UniriDoTokija, GEYOTEN, KopačkeDiadora, 3.14vo, Brainiacs, 404NameNotFound, TheFellowshipOfTheCode, STEMgmentationFault, RoštiljUSubotu, SpiritSisterNinjas, 80%Capacity, VAL, LUDO, YieldToSTEMptation, BESTies, Motokultivatori, BagOfPotatoes, Buduci_inzinjeri, TeskiLuksuzTim, and FESB.

This year you managed to adapt, you showed that you are not giving up and that you will always find a way to achieve remarkable results. After 3 intense days of brainstorming and the final announcement of this years’ STEM Games winners, the contestants had the chance to take their prizes provided by our sponsors, while the luckiest contestants also got additional prizes for best solutions for the tasks provided by our mentors. It was a happy Saturday at Stablo znanja where the award ceremony took place, combined with laughs and positive atmosphere while following the epidemiological measures. All that made us forget for a while that the Games were even held in a virtual edition this year.

THANK YOU to all of our STEM Games organisational board team members who invested their time and effort into making this new version of Games come true. THANK YOU to all of the teams who helped organise the Games and made an effort to bring something new this year: Operations team, Problem-Solving competitions exercises team, Partnerships team, IT team, Design team and Marketing&PR team. Without your persistence and willingness to adapt to the new normal the idea about STEM Games online version would not come true!

A warm THANK YOU to all of you who have in any way contributed in making STEM Games possible. This was one unusual year concerning everything and because of that we want to thank everyone who has adapted with us and participated in another successful Games, especially in this premiere Safe Mode edition. Nothing can replace the original Games, but the key to success is adaptation and willingness to change, and in this year full of uncertainties we embraced the „new normal“ and reminded ourselves that there is always a way. We are done for this year, but the preparations for the next one can already start! #readySTEMgo #STEMGames2021